CSS Examples

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Flowing Image

Copied project from someone else

CSS · JavaScript

Old Portfolio

Old Portfolio created using SCSS and jQuery

HTML · CSS · SCSS · JavaScript · jQuery · RegEx


D3.js sandbox

CSS · JavaScript · D3.js

Wikipedia API Search

External API Search utilizing Wikipedia

HTML · CSS · JavaScript · jQuery · External API

Weather App

Weather app showing weather at your current location

HTML · CSS · SCSS · Geolocation · JavaScript · Bootstrap

Technical Documentation Page

Technical Documentation Page built in order to pass certain tests by freecodecamp

HTML · Bootstrap · CSS

Survey Form

Survey Form built to pass tests by freecodecamp

HTML · CSS · Forms

Rainbow Etch-a-Sketch

in-browser Etch-a-Sketch built with jQuery

CSS · JavaScript · jQuery

Site Re-Creation

Re-created website focusing on clean design

HTML · Pug · CSS · PostCSS

Table Example

Table set up to look nice without using any front-end frameworks

HTML · Pug · CSS · PostCSS

Movie List

Styled list of movies that link to imdb page for each

HTML · Pug · CSS · JavaScript

Random Quote Generator

Outputs a random quote from wikipedia API

HTML · Pug · CSS · JavaScript · External API · jQuery · Materialize

Trippy Circles

Fun example playing around with JavaScript and alternating classes to make different color circles/inner circles

CSS · JavaScript · Ternary Operator

Image Direction

CodePen playing around with image direction and borders

CSS · Image Direction · Radial-Gradient